想问怎么配置 KPA?看 Serving 文档 Configuring autoscaling 去
以上就是 Serving 中四个重要 CRD 的关系,实际使用过程中我们只定义 Service
这个 Object。
其中 Serving 组件提供了弹性能力,而其 workflow 大体如下
| |
| +-------------+ |
| | Istio Route |---------------+
| +-------------+ | |
| | | |
+---------|-----------+ |
| |
| |
| inactive | active
| route | route
| |
| |
| +------|---------------------------------+
V watch | V |
+-----------+ first | +- ----+ create +------------+ |
| Activator |------------->| Pods |<----------| Deployment |<--------------+
+-----------+ | +------+ +------------+ | |
| | | | | resize
| activate | | | |
+--------------->| | | |
| | metrics | +------------+
| +----------------------------------->| Autoscaler |
| | +------------+
| |
(以上摘自 Autoscaling)
Serving 提供了基于 KPA 和 HPA 两种弹性方式,但以下只讨论 KPA 方式。
本文基于 [email protected] 展开。
咱们先不扯别的直接先撸计算 DesiredReplicas 的代码。
在 serving/pkg/autoscaler/autoscaler.go
// Scale calculates the desired scale based on current statistics given the current time.
// desiredPodCount is the calculated pod count the autoscaler would like to set.
// validScale signifies whether the desiredPodCount should be applied or not.
func (a *Autoscaler) Scale(ctx context.Context, now time.Time) (desiredPodCount int32, excessBC int32, validScale bool) {
看大意就是说计算下当下(now)时间点期望的 Pod 数以及 额外突发量(EBC、excessBC)。
期望 Pod 能理解,但 EBC 是个什么玩意。。咱们先继续往下看
func (a *Autoscaler) Scale(ctx context.Context, now time.Time) (desiredPodCount int32, excessBC int32, validScale bool) {
// 获取当前 DeciderSpec 和 实例数
spec, podCounter := a.currentSpecAndPC()
originalReadyPodsCount, err := podCounter.ReadyCount()
// If the error is NotFound, then presume 0.
if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return 0, 0, false
// 最小 ready 设为 1
readyPodsCount := math.Max(1, float64(originalReadyPodsCount))
metricKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: a.namespace, Name: a.revision}
metricName := spec.ScalingMetric
var observedStableValue, observedPanicValue float64
// 决策 Scaling 类型,获取 Stable 和 Panic 两种模式下的指标平均值
switch spec.ScalingMetric {
case autoscaling.RPS:
maxScaleUp := math.Ceil(spec.MaxScaleUpRate * readyPodsCount)
maxScaleDown := math.Floor(readyPodsCount / spec.MaxScaleDownRate)
// 根据阈值计算下 Stable 和 Panic 分别期望的实例数
dspc := math.Ceil(observedStableValue / spec.TargetValue)
dppc := math.Ceil(observedPanicValue / spec.TargetValue)
// 修整下实例数边界
desiredStablePodCount := int32(math.Min(math.Max(dspc, maxScaleDown), maxScaleUp))
desiredPanicPodCount := int32(math.Min(math.Max(dppc, maxScaleDown), maxScaleUp))
// 判定 Panic 值是否已经超过了 Panic 阈值(是否应该进入 Panic 模式)
isOverPanicThreshold := observedPanicValue/readyPodsCount >= spec.PanicThreshold
defer a.stateMux.Unlock()
if a.panicTime.IsZero() && isOverPanicThreshold {
// 进入 Panic 模式
a.panicTime = now
} else if !a.panicTime.IsZero() && !isOverPanicThreshold && a.panicTime.Add(spec.StableWindow).Before(now) {
// 需要解除 Panic,已经超过 stable 窗口时间了
a.panicTime = time.Time{}
a.maxPanicPods = 0
// 设置最终期望的 Pod 数
if !a.panicTime.IsZero() {
logger.Debug("Operating in panic mode.")
// panic 模式下只扩不缩
if desiredPanicPodCount > a.maxPanicPods {
logger.Infof("Increasing pods from %d to %d.", originalReadyPodsCount, desiredPanicPodCount)
a.panicTime = now
a.maxPanicPods = desiredPanicPodCount
} else if desiredPanicPodCount < a.maxPanicPods {
logger.Debugf("Skipping decrease from %d to %d.", a.maxPanicPods, desiredPanicPodCount)
desiredPodCount = a.maxPanicPods
} else {
// Stable 模式,取 stable 计算后的 pod 数
logger.Debug("Operating in stable mode.")
desiredPodCount = desiredStablePodCount
// Compute the excess burst capacity based on stable value for now, since we don't want to
// be making knee-jerk decisions about Activator in the request path. Negative EBC means
// that the deployment does not have enough capacity to serve the desired burst off hand.
// EBC = TotCapacity - Cur#ReqInFlight - TargetBurstCapacity
// EBC = 当前所有 Ready Pod 的总设定容量 - 当前稳定量 - 突发容忍量
// 所以这玩意也就是:超了多少,后面用于熔断场景。
excessBC = int32(-1)
switch {
case a.deciderSpec.TargetBurstCapacity == 0:
excessBC = 0
case a.deciderSpec.TargetBurstCapacity >= 0:
excessBC = int32(math.Floor(float64(originalReadyPodsCount)*a.deciderSpec.TotalValue - observedStableValue -
logger.Infof("PodCount=%v Total1PodCapacity=%v ObservedStableValue=%v TargetBC=%v ExcessBC=%v",
observedStableValue, a.deciderSpec.TargetBurstCapacity, excessBC)
return desiredPodCount, excessBC, true
过完这把,也差不多知道这个是怎么算,算的是啥的。不过还需要详细看下 stableValue
和 panicValue
的计算方式。RPS 和 Concurrency 模式的两个计算都是差不多的,所以我们只看并发模式下的计算就好。
计算核心在 serving/pkg/autoscaler/collector.go:L332
// stableAndPanicStats calculates both stable and panic concurrency based on the
// given stats buckets.
func (c *collection) stableAndPanicStats(now time.Time, buckets *aggregation.TimedFloat64Buckets) (float64, float64, error) {
spec := c.currentMetric().Spec
var (
panicAverage aggregation.Average
stableAverage aggregation.Average
if !buckets.ForEachBucket(
aggregation.YoungerThan(now.Add(-spec.PanicWindow), panicAverage.Accumulate),
aggregation.YoungerThan(now.Add(-spec.StableWindow), stableAverage.Accumulate),
) {
return 0, 0, ErrNoData
return stableAverage.Value(), panicAverage.Value(), nil
func YoungerThan(oldest time.Time, acc Accumulator) Accumulator {
return func(time time.Time, bucket float64Bucket) {
if !time.Before(oldest) {
acc(time, bucket)
// Average is used to keep the values necessary to compute an average.
type Average struct {
sum float64
count float64
// Accumulate accumulates the values needed to compute an average.
func (a *Average) Accumulate(_ time.Time, bucket float64Bucket) {
a.sum += bucket.sum()
// Value returns the average or 0 if no buckets have been accumulated.
func (a *Average) Value() float64 {
if a.count == 0 {
return 0
return a.sum / a.count
看完这波代码懂了,算不同时间窗口(Stable 和 Panic) 里的 metric 的均值,函数名都写得那么高级害我以为又是什么高端代码。
然后往上查,看从那边调用(此处省略无数代码),确定是在 serving/pkg/reconciler/autoscaling/kpa/controller.go:L44@NewController
调用了,而 cmd 中调用了 NewController
通过 Stable 和 Panic 两种时间窗口来优化弹性的效率,感觉还是挺赞的